bill (by jada)
jada (by bill)
how we met
the proposal
the basics
what to wear
getting there
the day's events
places to stay
things to do
home the happy couple the big day information for guests

getting there [directions] [maps] [parking]

Mission Santa Clara is located on the campus of Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California. The following information will help you get there.

directions [top] [maps] [parking]

If you are coming from U.S. Highway 101:

If you are coming from Interstate 880:

If you are coming from Interstate 280:

maps [top] [directions] [parking]
parking [top] [directions] [maps]

Parking is available in front of the Mission Church. Feel free to park in Faculty spaces as well as Visitor spaces. If the front entrance Visitor Booth is staffed, request a visitor parking permit from the staff member before parking. If parking in front of the Mission Church is full, park in the Franklin Street/Alviso Street parking lot

the happy couple: bill (by jada), jada (by bill), how we met, the proposal, contact us
the big day: the basics, what to wear, getting there, the day's events
information for guests: airports, places to stay, things to do, weather